Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Woody Woodpecker...or a close relative

Another rainy day.
I look out the kitchen window and see the big red headed wood pecker across the street sitting on a stump of a tree gone for several years.

Turning the head this way and that.
Hearing what he was listening for, the excavating began.

Since still photos don't really do him justice, I have braved up enough to try a video.  I took it with my camera and am now going to attempt to load it on here for you...cross your fingers and toes!

So, there is something and there absolutely has to be a better way to do this because it took more than 1/2 hour for this to get here and I am afraid to see if it actually does anything.
One last picture and then I will check.  This shows what the stump looked like after he was done doing what he did....flinging things about and gobbling things up.  Amazing.

He had a great and successful hunt!  
Sort of like those places where you can go and eat peanuts and throw the shells on the floor.

If it works, and you listen carefully, he says something a couple of different times on the video.


Donna said...

Well, the video doesn't seem to be there....grrrr.

Donna said...

Oh, no, it is!!!!! Just push the play button! Coolness. I am so techy. NOT!

haybales said...

OMG, Donna...
That, my friend, was a Pileated Woodpecker! I think a male because of the red feathers on his head going back to a point (like those ugly bike helmets we wear). Female has a red head too but her feathers come to somewhat of a point straight up on her head. Was that him making the noise even while he was "hammering" or was it his mate ? Was it raining? Well done my friend! Well done.....

Donna said...

Yea! Glad you looked and liked. I thought that this guy was making the noise. I didn't see a mate. It was a nice steady gentle rain the whole time he was out there. Are pileated woodpeckers rare? Different from red headed wood peckers? Wonder which Woody was?

Tanna said...

So sad you worked so hard on the video and I can't get it to work for me. LOVE the pileated woodpeckers! They really are so beautiful and photos never do them justice. They are so BIG and bright! Glad to see this one today, Donna! Thank you! blessings ~ Tanna

Donna said...

Tanna, are you sure? I didn't think it worked for me, either because it looked all black, but the little arrow thingy at the bottom left started it up for me.
You have these woodpeckers in Texas, too? We're pretty much the rainforest compared to there....they must be pretty adaptable.
So glad you enjoyed seeing mine.

W-S Wanderings said...

Phooey, the video didn't work for me either :-( I hit play, and it told me it wasn't available.

We have a pileated woodpecker who for the past couple of years, regularly dines on our home. Pecked out a pile of the styrofoam we had between the logs (not yet chinked). LOVED to start hammering EARLY in the morning. Still, how magical to have such a visitor. We loved it. I wonder if he or she will be back this year?

Donna said...

Grrrrr. I am sorry that I don't know why the video won't work. It did. It really did. Stevie (haybales) got to see it.
Anyway, WSW, I was just as happy that he was across the street and the stump was so old and soft that he wasn't making any noise at all...
I can't understand how they can do that head banging thing at all....ouch.

Donna said...

Sorry friends. My little husband even tried to teach me how to use photobucket to get the video to sad....more irritated. DO NOT like when technology doesn't do what I want it to.

K said...

Drat. But the single shots were great. I have intimate knowledge of the frustration of shooting (still and vid) an amazing natural thing and having less than satisfaction with the end product. Nothing quite communicates the beauty and wonder of a pheasant walking through your own back yard like actually being there. But we try - so we can share!

Donna said...

I know, right? Sometimes I turn around and drive by again, just to enjoy something camera involved. Oh, well. Storing them in my memory....

Rachel said...

I use youtube to do videos. I can't get them to work otherwise.

Neat photos though! Such a beautiful bird! Typical male though, not cleaning up after dinner. ;)

(I kid as you know full well The SM does dishes all of the time.)

Donna said...

I would have to have a compete lesson in how to use youtube before that could happen....
Glad you got the SM trained up! :-)

Rachel said...

It's actually really easy! If I can do it, anyone can!! I am so NOT computer savvy.

Donna said...

You want to have a go? 3 step directions are about all I can do. If you can give me the directions, I will try.

Rachel said...

Okay, go to

Create an account. After you have created an account and logged in, you will see at the top the icon "Upload". Click on that.

A red arrow icon will appear. Click on "Select Files From Your Computer".

Click on the video you want uploaded.

After it is done, you can click on who you want to see it, what label you want to give it, etc.

You'll then click on "Embed". A whole bunch of html will be highlighted in blue. Copy and paste that in your blog. Make sure your blog is in "HTML" mode. )

Hopefully that will work! :D

Baa-Me Kniits said...

What a lovely bird and how lucky to have him right there so you could capture him on film. Rachel is right,I use youTube and if I can do it too so can you. Its very user friendly and I am no computer expert. I'm late to the party this week....seem to be behind all over the place, never mind Slow and Steady as they say :-)

Donna said...

I will try....maybe not with this one, but the next one! You are a peach.

Donna said...

Just so glad you did show your perspective and comments!
I will try youtube....