Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Snow-loween!

We are used to snow here in the mountains of West Virginia, but not usually on Halloween.  Yesterday there were about 17,000 people without electric in Preston County.  Today there are about 16,000.  I am one of  the lucky 1000!  Today, after cutting up a big branch that fell down right between the car and the power lines (Thank you, God.), we ran a few errands and I took a few pictures.

Can you see how that branch fell right between 
the power lines and the back of the car?

My job was to move them after they were cut...
and take pictures!  A nice man with another
chain saw stopped to help, too.

This one fell in the backyard...2 feet from the roof.

At the end of our street.

In the school parking lot.  
The Do Not Enter sign may not be necessary.

Another unnecessary Do Not Enter sign.

Lots of poor broken trees.

But these pines standing tall.

After the tour of town, we headed out to check on
the house at Shangri La Ti Da.

Hmmmm.  This is usually 2 lanes 
without tree bridges.

Ducks taking a bath...yes, ducks taking a bath.
For me and them, I suppose.

Time to turn around.  This bridge was too low.

Now on the other end of the road to Shangri La Ti Da.
Yes, two ways in.

Still not two lanes.

Still with tree bridges.

A safe and beautiful drive even in the storm.

And then we decided to drive up the mountain to see 
what we could see...sort of like the bear in the song.
A little more snow...fluffier, deeper.
Passable road.

I showed you this view not long ago...resplendent 
in all its Fall finery.
Now in its Winter wonderfulness.

My favorite apple tree.  
There.  Just there, through
season after season.

And this little store is one of the reasons 
I love living here.
Not a light on, but someone came out.
I said, "Oh, are you open?"
She said, "Yes.  We don't have electric,
but we're open.  People need stuff."

Yesterday on Facebook there was this story:

Dollar General allowing people in to shop as long as you have cash and patiently wait in line since items had to be added up the old fashion hand!! Manager there to direct people with his flashlight!!!
Thanks, Laurie Thompson for sharing.

Another reason I love living here...even during a blizzard
spawned by a hurricane on Halloween!

We take so much for water, hot food, warm house, mobility....yet even when we don't have those things...if we look, we can find the blessings still.


MonchyB said...

I converted yor inches into meters and after seeing those pictures I really believe you`ve got huge amounts of snow! Well, at least I got an excuse to check on my WV people;) Let`s pretend you`re in a fairy-tale, a virgine white all around.

Donna said...

We do, indeed, have some snow. It isn't all that unusual...except for the timing. I love the idea of living in a fairy tale!

Tanna said...

Donna, I am soooo glad you are all okay!! Yes, indeed. There are many blessings in this post. And, Amanda and I were talking today about how time like this bring out the best and the worst in people... It is a blessing to live where you are surrounded by the best. xoxo ~ tanna

Donna said...

Tanna, there are heroes among us. There have been strangers here from power companies as far away as Texas and Florida...working almost non-stop to help those in need. It is heat warming.

K said...

I've seen our neighborhood pull together as we faced a flooding river, as we cleared three feet of snow off streets and driveways and walks, as we have comforted those who mourn and fed families in distress - there's something about the unusual and uncomfortable that surely can bring out the community in people. And when it's over, and there's no pressing need for service and sacrifice, things begin to feel a little flat. I imagine that the LDS people in their yellow shirts will be flooding into New Jersey from all over the country - they have a tendency to do that, bringing tons of small comforts along with equipment and helping hands. What a strange time. But even in strangeness, there is mercy and there is beauty - things that your eyes are attuned to. Because your heart is.

Donna said...

Yes, all of that. But, why, oh, why do we wait until there is an emergency to look out for the needy among us? Surely they are quietly there all along. And how do you find the working poor (before the using the system poor, who are also surely poor in an even deeper way)? Still seeking. Listening.
And thankful that at least in a crisis God's people shine!

Donna said...

Ummm. HeaRt warming! Although the heat certainly helps!

Farida said...

I like the way you look at things despite the blizzard and include the word "blessing" because of a passable road for instance. I wish everyone could be like you... you stay blessed Ms Donna!

W-S Wanderings said...

They shine at other times,in other ways. Ways that are less visible perhaps, but still shiny. Communities come in many sizes.

W-S Wanderings said...

I love your perspective.

Donna said...

I'm going to be looking more carefully and trying to be more shiny my own self.

Donna said...

I am so proud of the people I know here...there are so many tales of blessing!